Bluvn Goan, teamdag Club Brugge

'Bluvn Goan'

Team day for Club Brugge in the unique setting of the Lauretum in Jabbeke. A day full of teamwork, inspiration and above all a lot of fun. 

True Events teamdag Club Brugge

Construction Challenge

Our construction challenge is ideal to integrate as a team activity on a team day. Communicating and working together towards one goal with a solid portion of creativity.
True Bruges teambuilding teamwork construction challenge
True events brugge teambuilding
True Events teamdag Club Brugge
True Bruges teamdag event Club Brugge
True Bruges construction challenge teambuilding brugge 2
True Bruges construction challenge teamdag
True bruges teambuilding brugge construction challenge
True bruges teambuilding in brugge construction challenge
True bruges teamdag brugge challenge